2009년 9회 통계세미나 개최 안내


통계연구소에서는 다음과 같이 통계 세미나를 개최하오니 많은 참여 바랍니다.


일시: 2009년 11월 11일(수) 오후 5시

장소: 고려대학교 정경관 507호

연사: Seok-oh Jeong

(Department of Statistics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)



"Statistical inference for convex boundary estimators"







Consider a convex set S of the form , S={(x,y)∈R^p+R+ |0≤y≤g(x)},

where the function g stands for the upper boundary of the set S. Suppose that one is interested in estimating the set S (or equivalently, the boundary function g) based on a set of observations laid on S. Then one may think of building the convex hull with the set of observations for estimating the set S, and the corresponding estimator of the boundary function g is given by the roof of the constructed convex hull. In this paper we review the statistical properties of the convex hull estimator for the boundary function g with multiple covariates.  Also, we discuss the practical way of bringing those properties into bias-correction and interval estimation. 





고려대학교 통계연구소